ストラテジア製薬: 医薬品研究開発でパラダイムシフトを起こす

ストラテジア製薬: 医薬品研究開発でパラダイムシフトを起こす

英語記事へのリンク #1
英語記事へのリンク #2

現在、製薬業界は、非常に非効率的で高額な医薬品開発プロセスという問題に直面しています。上市されるまでの新薬研究開発には平均40億ドルのコストがかかり、臨床開発候補がFDA (米国食品医薬品局)によって承認される成功率はわずか5%にしか及びません。

Keizo's propile photo新薬研究開発費は増加の一途を辿り、その生産性は過去 9 年間で80倍も減少しています。

「協働が成功への鍵です。映画が大手映画会社だけによって制作されていた頃を覚えているでしょうか。当時は、俳優、音楽家、作家、そして、監督全員が、 あるの会社の社員として働いていました。良い映画を作るには、垂直的統合と巨大なインフラが必要だと思っていたからです。現在では、様々な専門性を持つ人々が協働して映画は作られています。」とストラテジア製薬社長/CEOの古屋圭三氏は語ります。







記者:Michael Fitzhugh

Captureボストンに本社を置くストラテジア製薬は、進行性固形がんとリンパ腫の患者さんを対象とした代謝拮抗薬「FF-10502」の第 1 相臨床試験を米国にて開始しました。FF-10502は、FUJIFILM Pharmaceuticals U.S.A., Inc. がDNA合成阻害薬として開発をしたもので、前臨床試験において、ゲムシタビン治療(GC治療)耐性の腫瘍に対しての活性が確認されています。

ストラテジア製薬は、テキサス大学 MD アンダーソンがんセンターのパートナーであり、2番目の協働プロジェクトとしてこの研究開発に取り組んでいます。また、デンバーのサラ・キャノン研究所とも協働しています。

旧称ボストン・ストラテジクス社は、受託研究機関として、富士フイルムがスポンサーをしているFF-10502 の臨床試験を行っています。さらに、ストラテジア製薬は、ライセンスインした新薬開発も行っています。例えば、エーザイが悪性黒色腫の治療のために開発したFLT3/MEK の二重キナーゼ阻害剤の開発を中止しようと検討していた際、ストラテジア製薬は、様々な腫瘍に対する開発と製品化の交渉を行い、開発への道を開きました。




「お金は力となり得ます。」古屋氏は、彼の理想への道を切り開くために、ストラテジア製薬への投資をまだ受けていません。 「患者さんと未来の社会のために、新しい新薬開発のプラットフォームを築きたいと心から思っています。」と、古屋氏は語ります。その目的のためも、富士フイルムなどの古屋氏が以前勤めていた会社とも協働したいと思っています。それらの会社は、可能性がある薬剤を持っており、新薬研究開発の分野ではまだ新しく、開発の妨げとなる大きなインフラを作っていないためです。



特別インタビュー 米Boston Strategics社の古屋CEO、北山社長に聞く

日経バイオテック 米Boston Strategics社の古屋CEO、北山社長に聞く、「創業から1年半で数十のプロジェクト契約を獲得できた」

“Boston Strategics has completed dozens of contracts after launching a company one and half years ago”

by Osami Kono


Keizo Koya, CEO (left), Nana Izumi, Office Manager (center), and Eita Kitayama, President (right)

Boston Strategics Corporation (US) was founded by Dr. Keizo Koya (CEO) and Mr. Eita Kitayama (President) in April 2012. Dr. Koya has led various pharmaceutical R&D organizations in multiple global companies, such as Fuji film and Synta Pharmaceuticals in US. Mr. Kitayama worked at Nippon Shinyaku (Japan), Covance (US), and Synta Pharmaceuticals (US). The primary service of Boston Strategics is to provide pharmaceutical R&D support for pharmaceutical companies developing therapeutics.

Boston Strategics has created a highly efficient pharmaceutical R&D platform by using “True” Open Innovation™. They had an exhibition booth at the Japan Cancer Association (JCA) annual meeting in Yokohama (October 3-5, 2013). I had an opportunity to meet with both of them to ask about the current status of Boston Strategics.

[Question] “What companies does Boston Strategics have as clients? What kinds of collaborations do you have?”

[Answer] “We have made contracts primarily with Japanese pharmaceutical companies so far. There are various types of contracts according to types of projects. Preferably clients ask Boston Strategics to create a strategic development plan and operate the plan to develop their drug candidates with keeping their own intellectual property (IP) and supporting all costs of R&D. It is much less efficient and costly if Japanese companies, which are not so familiar to global pharmaceutical development and have less experience working with CROs, try to manage the development by themselves. Their involvement sometimes causes more problems, unfortunately.” “In-licensing is another way to work with Boston Strategics. If clients do not want to invest further,Boston Strategics can license-in their drug candidates and develop them through raising additional fund. It is possible and might be better to establish companies focusing on developing these compounds separately from Boston Strategics when we have many in-license projects. According to the stipulations outlined in the contracts, we provide a wide variety of services. Some include preclinical development and Phase 1 or Phase 2 clinical trials; some take care of only strategic planning of drug development. We have made dozens of contracts and several candidates are in clinical development already.”

[Question] “Boston Strategics established a special alliance with MD Anderson Cancer Center (MDACC), University of Texas in July. MDACC is one of the greatest facilities in US for anti-cancer drug R&D. What does mean this alliance to Boston Strategics?”

[Answer] “It is not easy for Japanese pharmaceutical companies to have positive collaborations with MDACC unless they have considerably attractive drug candidates. Since Boston Strategics has established a special relationship with MDACC, we can motivate them to create very positive collaborative projects relatively easily. Oncologists at MDACC are very experienced and motivated to help their patients. They do not like to be told to just follow clinical protocols blindly provided by pharmaceutical companies with ‘deep pockets’, or asked too much  by staff at pharmaceutical companies who do not have enough expertise to develop oncology drugs. Rather, they truly want to have a collaborative and scientific partnership with appropriate partners who can communicate with them properly to provide the best translational and clinical research for their patients. They want to continuously improve clinical development plans by providing new proposals created based on new data, and become frustrated if the partner cannot, or does not communicate with them positively. Not many Japanese pharmaceutical companies have the right expertise to be their best partners. However, Boston Strategics can work with them, especially because several senior managers ofBoston Strategics used to work at MDACC and established positive relationship with them. One well-respected oncologist (MD) who has been working with them for many years will be joiningBoston Strategics soon. Scientists and oncologists at MDACC know various experimental and novel anti-cancer drug candidates very well. Many oncologists in Japan say that they know them as well. However most of them know these candidates mostly only by reading scientific papers. In contrast, oncologists at MDACC have worked with these drug candidates themselves. They are experienced with specific side effects of novel candidates in humans, for example. This type of difference in between Japanese oncologists and oncologists at MDACC is not insignificant. Rather, it is an important difference. We look forward to more positive collaborations with other Japanese companies and M.D. Anderson, and to the opportunity to assist them in adding significant value to their oncology drug candidate pipeline.”

[Original article in Japanese; translated by Strategia]